
Welcome to the Latchford Methodist Website. We hope you find the information on this site useful in providing information on the work of our church. Based in Thelwall Lane Latchford we continue to work in close friendship with Bold Street Methodist Mission and we are a member of the Sankey Valley Methodist Circuit. Along with Bold Street we also seek to work with churches in our local area as part of Latchford Churches together. Our minister is Rev. Linda Bishop who joined us in September 2017. 

Please use this site to access the information you need about the church and as a resource for broadening your faith. We hope you will find the information on this site helpful and we look forward to hearing from you and answering any questions you might have.

We seek as a growing church community to offer friendship, love and opportunities for discipleship and faith development.

Rev'd Linda Bishop
Warrington 416780
Who is Rev'd Linda Bishop?

RSS Prayer for the Day

  • A prayer that we may mirror God's goodness
    Mary sings, “My soul magnifies the Lord”. But how can I make God greater? Lord of life, in the way I live, move and inhabit my being, mirror in me your extravagant love and expansive goodness. Enlarge my soul: to bear witness to human destruction, riven by unspeakable violence. Enlarge my soul: to rail against […]