Annual Sponsored Ride and Stride Event for Churches – Important

Annual Sponsored Ride and Stride event takes place on Saturday morning on 14th September. The aim is to ‘collect’ churches by visiting them and this can be done in any way except car, van etc.  You can walk, cycle, ride a horse, use a motorised scooter, hop, skip and so on!  We have a map of a possible route to local churches, but you can choose to do something different even if you are away on holiday. Even if you can get to just one church that would be appreciated.  The event is organised by the Historic Churches of Cheshire Trust.  All sponsorship is split equally between the Trust and our church and by taking part it gives us a better chance to receive grant from the Trust – something that we may well need in the coming months.  In previous years a few people have done this event, but it would be good to see a large number of us this year.  Sponsor forms are on the hall noticeboard along with a poster.

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