Advent Study with Rev David Easton on Zoom.

Rev David Easton is holding three Advent meetings on zoom which anyone from across the circuit is welcome to join. The studies will be based on a book by Revd  Stephen Dawes called “Who is this Jesus born of Mary?”

His book looks at Matthew chapters 1 and 2, Luke chapters 1 and 2, and John 1 vv 1-18.  It is not necessary to have a copy of the book to join the study course but I understand it is possible to get the book through Amazon or possibly ebay.

The dates and subjects are:

30th November @ 7.30pm – looking at Matthew’s account of the birth of Jesus
7th December @ 7.30pm – looking at Luke’s story of the birth of Jesus
14th December @ 7.30pm – looking at John’s explanation of the coming of Jesus

Anyone wishing to join us should email <…..> for the zoom joining details.

Please e-mail for the contact name.

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