Rev David Easton is holding three Advent meetings on zoom which anyone from across the circuit is welcome to join. The studies will be based on a book by Revd Stephen Dawes called “Who is this Jesus born of Mary?”
His book looks at Matthew chapters 1 and 2, Luke chapters 1 and 2, and John 1 vv 1-18. It is not necessary to have a copy of the book to join the study course but I understand it is possible to get the book through Amazon or possibly ebay.
The dates and subjects are:
30th November @ 7.30pm – looking at Matthew’s account of the birth of Jesus
7th December @ 7.30pm – looking at Luke’s story of the birth of Jesus
14th December @ 7.30pm – looking at John’s explanation of the coming of Jesus
Anyone wishing to join us should email <…..> for the zoom joining details.
Please e-mail for the contact name.