An appeal from our District and Circuit for Malawi Covid Vaccines

An appeal from our District and Circuit

An appeal that is from the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

The appeal asks that we, who are so lucky to have our vaccinations free on the Health Service, donate the price of a vaccine (£25) to Malawi and other African countries who have no health service and no vaccines to date.

I am aware that the Government is supposed to be donating through Covax, but this is an individual response to say thanks for what we have. I am sure you are aware that PPE etc. has been in very short supply and the LSTM started this appeal off to supply PPE to Malawi etc, realising that this was the first step.

LSTM have a young graduate working in Zomba Hospital in Malawi. As Christians, Jesus ask for our commitment to the poor and needy and this appeal is one of those appeals that is to serve that need.

Please go to the website detailed above – it tells you all about the appeal and who it helps and how to donate.

Thank you!
Jenny Ashcroft,
Local Preacher, Skelmersdale LEP

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