Church Prayer  –  Heath Street

We pray for the Church at Heath Street and we give thanks to God for the blessings he has given to us. A steady but growing congregation, reflecting the growing diversity within our community. The growth of our work among young people, both in the junior church but also through the ever popular Messy Church and our relationship with those who run the Youth Club as they use our premises, may they continue to grow and develop in this important work. We give thanks, as we look around our congregation that we, whilst ever conscious of our financial burdens are helped to maintain our real focus, the focus of Christ on the needs of the community around us. We give thanks for the time and dedication given by Rev Iris Musgrove as she nears her conclusion to the work with us here at Heath Street and the Sankey Valley Circuit. We pray for Gods blessings in all she does in the future.
Minister: Rev Iris Musgrove

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