Prayer forms part of our lives, as Christians, but sometimes we struggle with dryness, boredom or lack of enthusiasm. We need a booster, some ideas to encourage and support us but often we draw blanks as we try to find how to make prayer meaningful in our daily lives. As a way of responding to many calls for help we are planning to run a course exploring the many rich methods of prayer in our Christian Tradition. The course will comprise of 12 fortnightly, sessions, beginning in September 2022 and ending after Easter 2023. They will be on Tuesdays from 10 – 3pm. We plan the day to include some teaching on the various traditions, time to explore the method and some sharing on how it was for each one.

We know prayer is about our relationship with the God who loves us unconditionally. It’s not about ‘getting it right’, being perfect at it, spending hours at it. It is about finding what helps me, now, how to deepen this relationship that I already have and maybe help others too. We are all on the journey of deepening our relationship with the God of Love, and from time to time we all need a helping hand to guide us on the way.

The course will be held at the Cenacle Convent, Tithebarn Grove, Lance Lane, L15 6TW. The leaders will be Sr Winnie Morley, Revd David Frudd and Revd Karen Beck, they are all Ignation trained, spiritual directors and experienced in running courses.

For more information or to apply join the course please contact Sr Winnie on 0151 722 2271 or email to [email protected] . The closing date for applications is August 1st 2022.

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