We need your help

We do amazing work in the community but then we tend to just move onto the next thing that needs our help.

To help us to apply for community grants to continue our work we need to document what we have done, preferably over the last 10 years.

Please get your thinking caps on and help us produce a list of all the community work and feedback we have had over the last 10 years.  This can be anything from visiting people, cutting the grass, litter picks, talking to people in the street, handing out free food and drink, food banks, Room at the Inn, knitting or making something.  Perhaps someone has just said thank you to us for doing something. Our list does go on and on…. but please note we need community based topics and not faith based.

If you can think of anything then please write it down and pin in to the board in our hall.. or let a steward know, or e-mail us.

If you have any questions then please don’t hesitate to ask either Wendy, Iain or Linda.

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