Church Prayer  –  Lymm 

Lord God we thank you that you do not need us to be part of a perfect church or for us to be perfect Christians. But we know that you have called us broken and imperfect people to care for a fractured world and to journey with its hurting people. Show us how to use our gifts in your service and our brokenness to your glory. Guide us as we continue to discern your will for this community now and in the future. That what we do may be in your strength as sometimes that is all we have left.
Minister: Revd. Sue Smith


Diary Dates

6th Jan 2024Epiphany
7th Jan 2024Covenant Sunday
18th - 25th Jan 2024Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
14th Feb 2024Church Council 7.30pm
11th Feb 2024Sunday before Lent
13th Feb 2024Shrove Tuesday
14th Feb 2024Ash Wednesday
18th Feb 2024First Sunday in Lent
1st March 2024World Day of Prayer
10th March 2024Mothering Sunday
18th March 2024Our Church Organ is 115 years old today
24th March 2024Palm Sunday
28th March 2024Maundy Thursday
29th March 2024Good Friday
31st March 2024Easter Sunday
9th May 2024Ascension Day
12th - 18th May 2024Christian Aid Week
19th May 2024Pentecost
24th May 2024Wesley Day
26th May 2024Aldersgate Sunday
26th May 2024Trinity Sunday
5th June 2024Church Council
9th June 2024Methodist Homes Sunday
28th June 2024Warrington Walking Day
15th Sep 2024Harvest Festival Service
22nd Sep 2024Warrington Fun Run.
Possible road closures
No Sunday Service
10th Oct 2024Our church building is 130 years old today. Happy Birthday Latchford Methodist Church.
11th Oct 2024130 years Music Concert
12th Oct 2024130 years Celebration Open Day
October TBAChurch Council 7.30pm
12th Nov 2024Remembrance Sunday
23rd Nov 2024Christmas Brunch & Stalls
1st Dec 2024Advent Sunday
Year C Begins
7th Dec 2024Christmas meal
TBA Dec 2023Christmas Tree Service where we gratefully accept your generous donations of new Toys for Children who wouldn't normally receive a gift
24th Dec 2024Christmas Eve Worship
25th Dec 2024Christmas Day Family Worship @ 10.30AM

Christmas Angels

Many thanks to those people who knitted angels last year. Jean and Kit spread them around the village before Christmas on railings, trees, seats etc as well as giving some to people at the bus stop and others in a cafe. We would like to do this again next Christmas with an even bigger host of angels so can we ask you to keep knitting them and put them in the bag by the vestry door. If you have not done it before then patterns are available from Jean or you can find them on the internet.

Church Prayer – Latchford

We pray for our new minister Linda Bishop as she comes to the circuit that we may work together to fulfil God’s work in Latchford and grow our mission in the local community and with all the groups that use our buildings. And as we look at new ways to raise fund for this work and to improve and make the building alive to God’s work.
Minister: Revd. Linda Bishop

Church Prayer – Hood Manor

We pray this morning for the members and friends of Hood Manor Church and for their minister Revd. Mark Coles. Bless the ministry of this church in its discipleship and outreach, remembering Rainbows and Ladies’ Fellowship and all those in the community of Hood Manor Church may encounter the love of God in the witness of the people.
Minister: Revd. Mark Coles.