Church Prayer – Prescot & Whiston

We give thanks we are now back together in Prescot & Whiston Church after the completion of Phase 1 of the redevelopment and pray that all goes well in Phase 2.  We thank St James’ for the welcome and hospitality we received from them while our own building was closed.  We look forward to new opportunities for mission and outreach and we pray for our minister: Rev. Sue Smith

Church Prayer – Penketh

Please pray for the congregation at Penketh, who are celebrating 200 years of a Methodist presence in Penketh.  Please pray for the 23 people who were received into membership at our Covenant service at the beginning of our year of celebration.
Ministers: Rev Mark Coles & Deacon Helen Coleman  

(Auntie) Jean’s Birthday!

To celebrate (Auntie) Jean’s 80th birthday there will be a buffet lunch on Sunday 7th April in the hall. A warm invitation is extended to everyone to come and share in this special occasion. If you would like to attend would you please put your name on the list situated on the pulpit table. Please don’t bring gifts. There is no obligation but if you feel you would like to donate a small token this will be split between a purchase for Jean’s garden and the remainder to charity.

Happy 110th Birthday! 

Our church organ is 110 years old on Monday. The organ was donated by Mary Hartley, March 18th, 1909, in memory of her father, John Hartley and was made by James J. Binns, Bramley Organ works in Leeds. The inscription reads “To the Glory of God”

Church Prayer – Padgate

We pray for Padgate as it develops a new strategy for growth and as it starts to change the way things are done to implement the strategy.  For the team in the church leading it.  For the church’s ongoing mission and service among the local community.  We pray that through all that happens, people there will come to experience you in new and more wonderful ways.  We pray that you will continue to inspire people in Padgate to spread your love; to grow in faith; to bear witness to the living Chris; and to seek to worship you in new and inspiring ways.
Ministers:  Revd. Mark Coles & Deacon Helen Coleman  

Church Prayer – Nutgrove Methodist Primary School

We thank you Lord for the opportunities to work more closely with the Sankey Valley Methodist Circuit.  We pray for a strengthening in our partnership with parents so that we might work with greater effectiveness to improve the social, emotional and academic development of all our children.  We ask for your guiding hand, Lord, in the daily work of our staff team so that they may do their very best for all our children and their families in your name.
Headteacher: Ian Rimmer  

Suicide Awareness

Suicide Awareness session on Thursday 21st March from 10:00am to 11:30am at Orford Youth Centre.  Please see the poster on the notice board for more details.  Also, there is a half day course in the afternoon on the same day.

Theme – Lent reflections

Theme – Lent reflections

10th March – Joyce Roe – Temptations
17th March – Worship Leaders – Sorrow for Jerusalem/citizenship
24th March – Rev Linda Bishop – Fig tree and another chance
31st March – Deacon Tim Coleman – Prodigal son/being welcomed (Mothering Sunday)
7th April – Rev Linda Bishop – Jesus anointed at Bethany/surrender and Holy Communion
14th April – Worship Leaders – Palm Sunday
21st April – Joyce Roe – Easter Day celebrations