Church Prayer  –  Prescot & Whiston

We pray for our church at Prescot and Whiston and we thank God for his love and guidance in the preparation for the work of redevelopment.  We ask God’s blessing on our minister Rev Sue Smith for her leadership and help as the work begins.  We thank St James for their welcome as we worship with them on Sunday mornings.  The mums and tots; share Knowsley; knit and natter; brownies, have been blessed with other places to meet each week. We pray for God’s guidance for our work in his Kingdom.
Minister: Rev Sue Smith


Church Prayer  –  Padgate

We pray for Padgate and its mission and service among the local community. We pray for Deacon Helen Coleman and Revd. Mark Coles as they seek to juggle their time      between Padgate and elsewhere within the circuit. We pray for the people at Padgate: inspire them to spread your love further into the community; to grow in faith; to bear witness to the living Christ in their community; and to seek to worship in new and inspiring ways.  Minister: Rev Mark Coles & Deacon Helen Coleman