Christmas Angels knitting request

As the weather has turned wet and dull then for anyone stuck inside with the covid-19 blues perhaps now would be a good time to knit Christmas Angels. Never knitted before? Why not give it a try and see how you get on?
We’d be grateful for as many as possible and the pattern is available on the Church website <click here> Many thanks from the Latchford Mission Team.


Christian Aid faces a huge dilemma this year.  For decades, it has relied on the generous donations of the general public to fund its overseas aid and development programmes aimed at alleviating poverty and addressing crisis situations.  Last year the total raised was in excess of £8m and engaged around 57,000 volunteers.

This year, due to Covid-19, there are no door-to-door collections, but we are still being encouraged to donate.  This year the focus is on Kenya, which is experiencing its worst drought in living memory, and now has Coronavirus to contend with too.  The prospect is extremely worrying.

What were we all told to do to combat Coronavirus?  “Wash your hands”.

Well, that’s not difficult if you have soap and water.

Christian Aid is helping Kenyan’s to build water traps and dams, without which many will die from a basic lack of water and hygiene.  We remember from Holy Week how when Pontius Pilate could not find any fault in Jesus he ‘washed his hands’ claiming to be “innocent of this man’s blood” (Matt 27:24).

Please let’s not “wash our hands” of the plight of our Kenyan brothers and sisters.

If you can, please donate a little something to Christian Aid this year. There is also an online petition calling for the government to cancel the debt of some of the poorest countries to help them survive.

You can give via the” Lymm Churches Together” Christian Aid Just Giving” page:


You can give directly here:

Copies of Rev Linda Bishop bible study meetings for the last two days are now available

For anyone without access to Linda’s facebook page copies of Rev Linda Bishop bible study meetings for the last two days are now available on our church website at Recordings
There are only two further days of study left. If you can, please try to join in these live studies via Linda’s facebook page. Copies will also be made available here.

Maundy Thursday Service

For Thursday’s Maundy Service live at 7pm on facebook, or if your watching the recording on our website afterwards, could you please have the following items to hand:

For communion:

  • A small piece of Bread, a biscuit or Cake or anything else readily available.
  • A drink

If you wish to take part in the optional feet washing:

  • A bowl of Water & towel if you wish to take part in the optional feet washing