A Remembrance day prayer from Rev Linda Bishop

We believe God made this world,
God loves this world, God lives in this world.
We believe God holds it and cradles it in loving hands:
holding its pain,
caring for every memory of every person in conflict.

We believe God loves each human being,
on every side of every struggle,
who has given of themselves,
even to death,
for their friends and family and country.

We believe violence breaks Gods heart;
bullets tear through Gods realm;
and war opposes Gods love.
But we believe love lives longer than hatred;
hope burns away at despair;
God calls to us from the violence,
and we can work in love for a better world.
So be it.
(seasons of the spirit)

Lord on this Remembrance Day we pray for peace in our world, we long for an end to all war, conflict and suffering. We feel helpless in these days and our hearts break in sadness and sorrow at our broken world.

We pray for all those who grieve the loss of loved ones lost in war and conflict, on this day of public remembering give them strength to remember with thanksgiving and hope for a better world.

Holy Spirit sweep the lands, turn hatred to love, sorrow to dancing and despair to hope. Help us all to live together with our difference and celebrate diversity. Help us to be peacemakers in our own homes, our own communities.

As we wear our poppies today, symbols of hope in our brokenness, we reflect on the Christian symbol of the cross, where our saviour gave his life for our freedom. To live in freedom within ourselves and the world is a longing of every heart. Lord give us the courage to live out the sacrifice of Christ and the countless lives lost in battle, may peace begin with us.

Church Prayer – Nutgrove Church & Balmer Street

We pray for all family and friends at Nutgrove and Balmer Street. We especially think of those people who are sick or unwell at this time be it in body, mind or spirit and pray for your guiding hand on them. We pray for all the homeless people and those families who are struggling in the community with poverty and hardship – lay your loving hands on them. God bless our Minister Martin Wood who works tirelessly in the churches he ministers to. Give him the strength to carry on.
Minister: Rev Martin Wood

Church Prayer – New Song

Please pray for the continued growth of New Song. We ask for spiritual guidance as to which route to go down in order to reach out to our community, however far and wide that may be. We ask for patience and tolerance as we work with others to come to a decision as to how we can sustain ourselves financially in order to reach out and be there for as many people as we can.
Minister: Rev Linda Bishop

Church Prayer – Lymm

As a church we continue to pray for our ongoing project ‘To serve the present age’. That we may discern the will of God and uphold the focus within our vision statement: Worship, Growing in faith, Challenging injustice, and showing God’s love to each other and those within our community that we serve. Also, to pray for the project to redevelop the premises to make them fit for purpose in the 21st century.
Minister: Rev Mark Coles

Church Prayer – Latchford

We pray for the members and friends of Latchford as it works on its growth plan for the future of Latchford as it reaches out into the local community to spread the good news of the love of the Lord. And as we work on ways to raise funds to further update and improve the church to make it a place for all.
Minister: Revd. Linda Bishop

Church Prayer – Heath Street

We ask the Circuit to pray for our latest venture at Heath Street in supporting asylum seekers new to the area. We pray that our association with SWAP (Support for Arrivals Wigan Project) will grow in strength and support our drop-in sessions held at Heath Street where already we have had visitors from Egypt, El Salvador, Pakistan, Syria and Albania.
Minister: Revd. David Easton

Church Prayer – Farnworth

Pray for all the activities and for all the age groups who meet at this church, and for our minister, Rev Jenny MacGregor. Prayers for guidance for MCW (Methodist Churches in Widnes) of which Farnworth is a part, as 3 churches develop and grow their work together in the community of Widnes. And a thank you prayer for the enthusiasm and the enjoyment the three churches have in working together for the Lord.

Church Prayer – Antrobus

We pray for our continued Fellowship at Antrobus as we celebrate our carol Service today. Bless us and give us the energy to bring a little of the True Message and joy of Christmas to the homes in the village as we enjoy our annual Carol Singing season. With friends from St Marks and the Village we tour the village for six nights raising money for charity. Thank you for all the pleasure it gives us, and we trust in God that we can touch people’s hearts with just the right message at the right time. Happy Christmas everyone.
Minister: Rev Mark Coles

Church Prayer – Ashton

We pray for the members and friends of our church, especially those who are experiencing challenges through ill health and loneliness. We also pray for the people and groups who use our church throughout the week; the coffee morning community, the Young Carers group, Townswomen Guild and the ‘After Eight Group’. We ask for God’s spirit and guidance in extending our work where it is needed within the community of Ashton. We give thanks for the leadership and support of our Superintendent Minister: Revd. David Easton

Church Prayer – Wesley

Please remember Wesley Church in your prayers this week. We pray that God will continue to bless the people attending our “Tea & Coffee Pot” on a Friday morning, and that the team running this venture will be blessed also. We pray for our congregation, many of whom are struggling with ill-health & infirmity.
Minister: Revd. Martin Wood

Church Prayer – Trinity

Please pray for the groups who use Trinity and the outreach work done there. As we celebrate Christ’s birth, let us remember the families whose Christmas is made a happier tie because of the hampers they receive from trinity Kings Cross and give thanks to all the people who support the project. Remember also, the refugees, asylum seekers and trafficked people who are far away from home and fine some companionship at Trinity Safe Space. Amen.
Minister: Revd. Jenny MacGregor

Church Prayer – St Philip’s

Father God, we give thanks for your Spirit of Mission which allows us to step out in faith knowing that you are leading us. We pray for the work on our garden which allows us to be more visible in our community and gives us a space to invite the community in and to become involved in planting and caring for our environment. Give us the opportunity to speak and share our faith and to invite the community into our building and into worship. We pray for Transform North West who are using our school hall that they may reach out to the lost generations and help them to know your love for them. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Minister: Revd. David Easton

Church Prayer – St Martin’s

We pray for our congregation and the outreach work with children and within the local community. We thank God for the continued success of our Summer Holiday Club and opportunities this creates with local schools and the wider community. Be with our Church Stewards as they plan worship and church activities particularly during this year of unexpected interregnum.
Minister: Rev Mark Coles

Church Prayer – St James

We pray today for members, visitors and friends of St. James and the surrounding community. We especially pray today for our circuit and visiting Ministers, local preachers and worship leaders as they help us all look to the future through the love and partnership of God. We especially pray at this time for our new church youth projects and for our larger community of young children as they take exams and prepare also for their future. Lord may your love and guidance be with us all at this time of renewal and change, in Jesus name. Amen
Minister: Revd. Martin Wood

Church Prayer – Sankey Valley Methodist Circuit

In a time of transition and change we pray for the churches of the Sankey Valley Circuit and all those who hold offices in our churches. We see resources declining as ministers move away and no new ministers move in to replace them. Help us to see this situation not in the context of decline, bus as a challenge to reflect on what our churches do and whether we can operate more effectively by working together. We pray that the holy Spirit will show us how best to respond to the challenge of changing times and to see in this changing context, opportunities for mission and service. Remind us that God’s love for all creation never changes.
Superintendent Minister – Sankey Valley Circuit – Revd. David Easton

Church Prayer – Prescot & Whiston

We would like to pray for our new ministers Rev Martin Wood and Deacon Julie Hudson as they take up their appointments with us.  We look forward to Martin’s leadership and Julie’s role with us and the opportunities our newly refurbished church will offer for service within our community. We also pray for our stewards and church members as we start the implementation of our proposed growth plan.
Ministers: Rev Martin Wood, Deacon Julie Hudson

Church Prayer – Penketh

Father God we thank you for the seasons and especially the summer season. The days are longer and all of nature is showing us your gifts of flowers and trees and fruitfulness. We remember especially those people who live alone and feel isolated. Be with those who are unwell at this present time, help them Lord to feel loved. We ask these prayers in the name of your Son, Jesus. Amen. Minister: Rev Jenny MacGregor

Church Prayer – Padgate

We pray for Padgate as it works on its new strategy for growth. For the team in the church leading it. For the church’s ongoing mission and service among the local community. We pray that through all that happens, people at Padgate will come to experience you in new and more wonderful ways. We pray that you will continue to inspire people there to spread your love; to grow in faith; to bear witness to the living Christ; and to seek to worship you in new and inspiring ways.

Church Prayer – Nutgrove Methodist Primary School

Pray for the new leadership team at Nutgrove School as they continue to take the school forward following the retirement of Ian Rimmer in the summer. Pray for the new starters that they quickly settle in and soon become part of the Nutgrove School family community and thrive educationally, socially and spiritually. Minister: Deacon Julie Hudson

Church Prayer – Nutgrove Community Building

We pray for the Nursery at Nutgrove.  We thank you for their presence in our community and for the staff’s guidance in nurturing the children.  May they go on to being happy children when they join the day school.  We give thanks for the work of Rev. Martin Wood, for his links with the local schools and Play-days Nursery, we pray for God’s guidance and blessing on the outreach work in the local community at Nutgrove.

Church Prayer – New Song Network

New Song continues to focus on reaching out to our community, especially with our Hot Drinks Ministry and pray for a renewed strength to try new things, being there for those who need to hear the message of God and know His love in abundance.
Minister: Revd. Linda Bishop John 10:10b …”I have come to give you everything in abundance, (b) more than you expect (c) – life in its fullness until you overflow!”

Church Prayer – Latchford

Please pray for everybody working on the growth plan for Latchford and all the hard work involved with this and the future of our church. Please pray for our Minister Linda as she guides us on this exciting path for the future life of our church here in Latchford and the wider community around us.
Minister: Revd. Linda Bishop

Church Prayer – Hood Manor

We pray this morning for the members and friends of Hood manor and for their minister Rev Mark Coles.  We give thanks for the continued fellowship of this society, for its officers and those who support its presence within the community.  We pray for guidance for their future, as they seek to share and be the good news of Jesus

Church Prayer – Farnworth

Pray for MCW (Methodist Churches in Widnes) as they develop and grow their work together in the community of Widnes, and also for guidance on the funding for bible study and school projects.  And a thank you prayer for the enthusiasm and the enjoyment the three churches have in working together for the Lord.
Minister: Revd Jenny MacGregor

Church Prayer – Bold Street

Lord we pray for your guidance and continued support for all the members of Bold Street as we move forward in our fellowship role.  Bless our minister reverend Linda Bishop, bless the ministry of this church and the partnership we have with New song Network.  We give thanks for the other groups who use our building throughout the week which allows us to continue our outreach in the name of God.  Amen.
Minister: Revd. Linda Bishop

Church Prayer – Ashton

We pray for all within our church community, for our members and all the groups who use our building that they may feel God’s presence and strength in all that they share to benefit those in need in Ashton.  We also ask for blessings on the work of Ashton Churches Together as we continue to increase and develop our joint activities within the community.  We look forward to new opportunities for mission and outreach and pray for our minister, Rev David Easton

Church Prayer – Antrobus

Please pray for the Methodist and St. Mark’s churches working together and the Primary school in Antrobus, all maintaining our Christian presence in the village.  We are so blessed to live in the countryside, especially so during the Summer months and we thank God for his wonderful creation.  We remember that we truly are caretakers of this land and strive to be good neighbours to each other.  Please pray for us as we join in local events over the season, such as the Village Rose Queen Fete, and that we may show Jesus’ love by the example of the way we live each day.
Minister: Rev David Easton

Church Prayer – Trinity

Please pray for the continued work of the Day Care, especially at this time when more volunteers are needed. We also think about the new drop-in meetings for asylum seekers which start in January. For the volunteers and agencies working to provide support, help and a safe, social place for those people living in a strange country. Minister: Rev Jenny Macgregor

Church Prayer – Stockton Heath

Please pray for the stewards and leaders as they plan how they can implement the Growth Plan and reach out into the community.  Pray for all our activities with children and young people – give the leaders enthusiasm, wisdom and encouragement.  We ask for prayers for our work with our user groups and those on the fringe – that they may get involved and grow in their faith.
Minister: Rev David Easton

Church Prayer – St. James

We would ask you to pray for our Minister, Jenny, for Trudy and Wayne, our local preachers, for our worship leaders and all who hold positions of responsibility at St. James. May they be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit to work to the father’s glory!  We lift up our children and young people, praying they will grow in faith and faithfulness and we think of our elderly members who are ill or housebound and are no longer able to join in fellowship.  We commend to the Lord our pastoral visitors who keep in touch with them, helping them to feel they are still part of our congregation.
Minister: Rev Jenny MacGregor.

Church Prayer – Prescot & Whiston

We give thanks we are now back together in Prescot & Whiston Church after the completion of Phase 1 of the redevelopment and pray that all goes well in Phase 2.  We thank St James’ for the welcome and hospitality we received from them while our own building was closed.  We look forward to new opportunities for mission and outreach and we pray for our minister: Rev. Sue Smith

Church Prayer – Penketh

Please pray for the congregation at Penketh, who are celebrating 200 years of a Methodist presence in Penketh.  Please pray for the 23 people who were received into membership at our Covenant service at the beginning of our year of celebration.
Ministers: Rev Mark Coles & Deacon Helen Coleman  

Church Prayer – Padgate

We pray for Padgate as it develops a new strategy for growth and as it starts to change the way things are done to implement the strategy.  For the team in the church leading it.  For the church’s ongoing mission and service among the local community.  We pray that through all that happens, people there will come to experience you in new and more wonderful ways.  We pray that you will continue to inspire people in Padgate to spread your love; to grow in faith; to bear witness to the living Chris; and to seek to worship you in new and inspiring ways.
Ministers:  Revd. Mark Coles & Deacon Helen Coleman  

Church Prayer – Nutgrove Methodist Primary School

We thank you Lord for the opportunities to work more closely with the Sankey Valley Methodist Circuit.  We pray for a strengthening in our partnership with parents so that we might work with greater effectiveness to improve the social, emotional and academic development of all our children.  We ask for your guiding hand, Lord, in the daily work of our staff team so that they may do their very best for all our children and their families in your name.
Headteacher: Ian Rimmer  

Church Prayer – Latchford

We prayer for all the members of Latchford as we pray for the future of the church in Latchford as we look for new ways to reach out to are neighbours to spread the love and work of god in this place.  We look to work with the senior school Sir Thomas Boteler and all the users of are building.
Minster: Rev Linda Bishop

Church Prayer  –  Farnworth

Dear Lord, Farnworth is part of the Methodist Churches in Widnes movement (together with Cronton and Trinity), encouraging working together and growing our communities in your love and guided by the Holy Spirit.  Prayer is needed to water the seed of this work, Lord, as the groups meet who form the core. Lord, we ask that you will pour down your blessings on this project, as it is carried out in your name.  Amen.
Minister:  Rev Jenny MacGregor


Church Prayer  –  Ashton

We pray for the members and community of our church as we journey through the year with all its challenges and developments. We ask for blessings on the work of our members as they meet the needs of many through the weekly coffee morning, the ‘after eight’ group and the pastoral visits. We ask for God’s guidance as we seek new ways of meeting the needs of the elderly, the lonely and the vulnerable in our community. We eagerly await the arrival of Revd Ruffin Binda and his family and hope that they will soon settle into the community with the support of us all.
Minister: Rev David Easton


Church Prayer  –  Antrobus

Please pray for our friends in the rural chapel at Antrobus and their minister Rev David Easton.  We pray for encouragement of their presence and mission in that village setting and bless their working together with St Marks Church.  This season, as usual, takes them carol singing to each house in the village and the   opportunity to bring some of God’s message and peace to all.  You never know when the seeds may be sown just at the right time….   Minister: Rev David Easton


Church Prayer  –  Wesley

We pray today for Wesley Church, and their minister Rev. Martin Wood.  We thank God for the groups that meet at Wesley; The outreach work of Youth Aflame; The Deeper Christian Life Fellowship, who worship on a Sunday & have bible study during the week. We also thank God for his blessing over the coffee mornings and the outreach it provides.
Minister:  Rev Martin Wood


Church Prayer – St. Philip’s

Father, we pray for St Philip’s at a time of change, as our Curate, Pete moves onto St Helens and we start our building project to convert the toilets and vestry. We pray a    blessing on Pete and his young family in their new ministry in St Helens. We pray that all building work will go smoothly and that applied for grants and fundraising will find the money to fund this project. We also pray for new initiatives – our Time Out Tuesday for young and old to engage and flourish; for young leaders to grow in faith and confidence and for work with the school.  Amen
Minister: Rev Sue Smith


Church Prayer  –  Sankey Valley Methodist Circuit

The Sankey Valley Circuit welcomes two presbyters new to the Circuit and we look forward to their ministry among us. We give thanks for Sian who joins us as a probationer presbyter having completed her training at Queen’s College. Sian comes from a background primarily of Welsh Methodism. Ruffin Binda and his family come to us from South Africa and face a significant cultural change. We pray that both ministers and their families will soon feel comfortable in their new homes and communities, and that we will learn from the new insights they have to share with us.

Church Prayer  –  Prescot & Whiston

We pray for our church at Prescot and Whiston and we thank God for his love and guidance in the preparation for the work of redevelopment.  We ask God’s blessing on our minister Rev Sue Smith for her leadership and help as the work begins.  We thank St James for their welcome as we worship with them on Sunday mornings.  The mums and tots; share Knowsley; knit and natter; brownies, have been blessed with other places to meet each week. We pray for God’s guidance for our work in his Kingdom.
Minister: Rev Sue Smith


Church Prayer  –  Padgate

We pray for Padgate and its mission and service among the local community. We pray for Deacon Helen Coleman and Revd. Mark Coles as they seek to juggle their time      between Padgate and elsewhere within the circuit. We pray for the people at Padgate: inspire them to spread your love further into the community; to grow in faith; to bear witness to the living Christ in their community; and to seek to worship in new and inspiring ways.  Minister: Rev Mark Coles & Deacon Helen Coleman


Church Prayer – Nutgrove Methodist Primary School

Please watch over the Nutgrove school community as the school starts its journey as a new academy with the Wesley Trust this September. Guide the way through new challenges and ways of doing things to do the very best for the children in their care. Continue to bless this community so that it stands out for Christ in all that is does. Help all members of this community to serve one another in Jesus’ name.

Church Prayer – New Song Network

This was written just after Easter which, of cause, is still in our minds. We would like continued prayer for all those children who came to the Easter egg hunt and especially those from whom Easter had previously been just about chocolate eggs and bunnies. We prayer for their families and the continuing contact we may have with them. Please pray too for the changes in the NS leadership team and the future plans that New Song has to further the Kingdom. We also hold in prayer those going through difficult and stressful times – anxiety seems to be something affecting a lot of people and we pray that God holds us close as we struggle with whatever is currently affecting us. Every situation is different but is of equal value so we pray for the strength to cope. Pray for our minister Revd. Linda Bishop and her ministry.

Church Prayer – Lymm

As we thank God for the ministry of Sue Smith during the last year so we pray for the ministry of Sian as she comes to the circuit in this her first appointment. As a church we continue to pray for our project ‘To serve the present age’ that we may continue to discern the will of God and uphold the focus within our vision statement: Worship Growing in faith Challenging injustice and showing God’s love to each other and those within the community we serve Loving Caring Serving as well as reordering the premises to make them fit for this purpose.
Minister: Rev Sue Smith

Church Prayer  –  Heath Street

We pray for the Church at Heath Street and we give thanks to God for the blessings he has given to us. A steady but growing congregation, reflecting the growing diversity within our community. The growth of our work among young people, both in the junior church but also through the ever popular Messy Church and our relationship with those who run the Youth Club as they use our premises, may they continue to grow and develop in this important work. We give thanks, as we look around our congregation that we, whilst ever conscious of our financial burdens are helped to maintain our real focus, the focus of Christ on the needs of the community around us. We give thanks for the time and dedication given by Rev Iris Musgrove as she nears her conclusion to the work with us here at Heath Street and the Sankey Valley Circuit. We pray for Gods blessings in all she does in the future.
Minister: Rev Iris Musgrove

Church Prayer  –  Cronton 

Please pray for us as we celebrate our 173rd Anniversary today with our minister the Revd. Jenny MacGregor and our friends from the Mission. We ask for your prayerful support for our work, witness and mission within the local community and our efforts to continue to extend this work.
Minister: Revd. Jenny MacGregor.


Church Prayer  –  Antrobus 

Please remember friends in Antrobus today, a small but stable group of people enjoying local rural Methodist fellowship.  Pray for our continued Caring, Loving and Christian   Presence in the Village and during the Summer taking part in Village activities such as the Rose Queen Fete.  Also pray for our active ecumenical links and events between the Methodist Chapel and with St Marks church.
Minister:  Rev David Easton


Church Prayer  –  Wesley

Please pray for Wesley Church members as we go forward through this year. Pray that we are enabled to support each other through the difficult times which some members have and are experiencing. We rejoice in our outreach to the community through the Tea and Coffee Pot held on Friday mornings. Please pray for  opportunities and blessings.
Minister: Rev Martin Wood.


Church Prayer – Trinity

We pray this morning for the members and friends of Trinity and for their minister Rev Jenny MacGregor. Bless the ministry of this church and its discipleship and outreach, that all those in the community of Trinity Church may encounter the love of God in the witness of the people.
Minister Rev Jenny MacGregor.