Fund raising for Growth: Sunshine Bags

The Fund raising team for our Church growth plan have developed a program of exciting and interesting fundraising events for the next few months. Today, they are starting with a “Sunshine bag”.  The idea is you place 10 pence in the bag if the sun shines on that day.

If you would like to participate then please pick up a wonderfully made bag from inside church. Each bag has a different motif.

If you can, then please take two bags and give one bag to someone who is NOT a member of our church and is willing to help. A friend, a neighbours or a colleague at work? Let’s try to share the cost of fund raising so the burden doesn’t reside with just our church members and also share awareness of our church.

Christian Lending Library

Our Christian Lending library has received an influx of new books. Everyone is welcome to borrow from the library and then return when you have finished with the book.
The library is located in the prayer corner within church and is free for all to use.

Themed Preaching for June

June’s overall theme is ‘Life in the Spirit’

2nd June – Revd. Linda Bishop – Spirit life and Holy Communion.  Acts 16: 16-34
9th June – Worship Leaders – Breathe of God.  Acts 2: 1-21
16th June – Mrs Jane Otterson – Life Giver, fatherhood of God. John 16: 12-15
23rd June – Mrs Joyce Roe – Anointing Spirit. Galatians 3: 23-29
30th June – Revd. Linda Bishop – Freedom in the Spirit. Galatians 5: 1, 13-25


Church Prayer – Trinity

Please pray for the continued work of the Day Care, especially at this time when more volunteers are needed. We also think about the new drop-in meetings for asylum seekers which start in January. For the volunteers and agencies working to provide support, help and a safe, social place for those people living in a strange country. Minister: Rev Jenny Macgregor

Weekly Notices for May 26th 2019

Sunday 26th May

Today’s Service:
Revd. Linda Bishop

This Morning’s Stewards:
Geoff D.
Joan E.

This Morning’s Door Stewards:
George & Christine C.

Today’s Flowers:
Dot H.

This Evening:
New Song at Bold Street

Going Deeper – No Meeting; Bank Holiday Weekend
Ladies Group – No Meeting; Bank Holiday Weekend

Bright Hour – Ann Stanworth
Sing for Fun

Prayer Meeting – 10am
Kidz Club

Coffee Morning – 10:30am

Next Sunday Morning
Rev. Linda Bishop – Holy Communion

Next Sunday Evening
No Service

Next Sunday Stewards:
Barbara G.
Jean O.
Jock R.

Next Sunday Door Stewards
Barbara R.
Beckie & Iain C.

Next Sunday Flowers
Kaye & Danny

Weekly Notices for Sunday 19th May

Sunday 19th May

Today’s Service:
Mrs Hazel Bradley

This Morning’s Stewards:
Julian G.
Rita T.

This Morning’s Door Stewards:
Eric T.
Jean O.

Today’s Flowers:
Maureen H.

This Evening:
No Service

Going Deeper – Study Group at 1.30pm in the Lounge
Ladies Group – Meeting at 8pm

Bright Hour – Songs of Praise / Afternoon Tea
Sing for Fun

Prayer Meeting – 10am
Kidz Club

Coffee Morning – 10:30am

Next Sunday Morning
Rev. Linda Bishop

Next Sunday Evening
New Song Cafe at Bold Street

Next Sunday Stewards:
Geoff D.
Joan E.

Next Sunday Door Stewards
George C.
Christine C.

Next Sunday Flowers
Dot H

Church Prayer – Stockton Heath

Please pray for the stewards and leaders as they plan how they can implement the Growth Plan and reach out into the community.  Pray for all our activities with children and young people – give the leaders enthusiasm, wisdom and encouragement.  We ask for prayers for our work with our user groups and those on the fringe – that they may get involved and grow in their faith.
Minister: Rev David Easton

Weekly Notices for Sunday 12th May 2019

Sunday 12th May

Today’s Service:
Worship Leaders

This Morning’s Stewards:
Christine C.
Joyce R.

This Morning’s Door Stewards:
Dot H.
Maureen H.

Today’s Flowers:
Dot H.

This Evening:
Circuit Service at Penketh

Ladies GroupDavid Mason – Trekking Everest

Bright Hour – Captain Vaughan Bevan
Sing for Fun

Prayer Meeting – 10am
Kidz Club

Coffee Morning – 10:30am

Next Sunday Morning
Hazel Bradley

Next Sunday Evening
No Service

Next Sunday Stewards:
Julian G.
Rita T.

Next Sunday Door Stewards
Eric T.
Jean O.

Next Sunday Flowers
Maureen H.

Going Deeper

Going Deeper – A new name for the Latchford/New Song house group/Bible study group

We meet on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month, 1.30pm – 2.45pm in the church lounge …… with occasional alterations of date!
20th May, 3rd & 17 June, 1st & 15th July
Studying the Beatitudes using the book “Life Attitudes”

Open to all. More details or to order a copy of the book (around £2 which I get from Ebay) speak to Kit H.


Children & Family Worker in Hoylake (Closing date 12th May)
Trustee at Methodist Central Hall, Manchester (Closing date 1st June)
St. Helen’s Street Pastors Co-Ordinator (Closing date 13th May)

Weekly Notices for Sunday 5th May

Sunday 5th May

Today’s Service:
Revd Linda Bishop – Communion

This Morning’s Stewards:
Jean B.
Iain C.

This Morning’s Door Stewards:
Rita T.
Barbara G.

Today’s Flowers:
Kay & Betty

This Evening:
No Service

Ladies Group – No Meeting

Bright Hour – Lyon Court
Sing for Fun

Prayer Meeting – 10am
Kidz Club

Coffee Morning – 10:30am

Next Sunday Morning
Local Arrangement

Next Sunday Evening
Circuit Service at Penketh

Next Sunday Stewards:
Christine C
Joyce R

Next Sunday Door Stewards
Dot H
Maureen H

Next Sunday Flowers
Dot H