This Saturday is our Monthly Brunch

Saturday 2nd March – take a break from your cleaning or shopping and join us for Brunch in the lounge 11 – 1pm. Full breakfast including tea or coffee, bacon or sausage sandwich, bacon or egg on toast or toast and jam.
Hot or cold drinks.

If you can’t afford these prices then please don’t let this stop you attending. We will provide food for all.

Christian Stewardship (Offertory) Envelopes

This years Christian Stewardship envelopes are being prepared for collection within the next few weeks.

These envelopes allows the church to reclaim 25% tax on  all offertory donations made by tax payers and this is a huge help to the finances of our church at no cost to you.

If you would like to participate or would no longer wish to participate then people see George.

This Saturday is our Monthly Brunch

Saturday 3rd Feb – take a break from your cleaning or shopping and join us for Brunch in the lounge 11 – 1pm. Full breakfast including tea or coffee, bacon or sausage sandwich, bacon or egg on toast or toast and jam.
Hot or cold drinks.

If you can’t afford these prices then please don’t let this stop you attending. We will provide food for all.