On Saturday 11th June there will be a Hot Pot supper followed by a Beatle drive in aid of the MHA (Methodist Homes Association).
Tickets are £5 each. Please see Barbara G. for further details.
On Saturday 11th June there will be a Hot Pot supper followed by a Beatle drive in aid of the MHA (Methodist Homes Association).
Tickets are £5 each. Please see Barbara G. for further details.
For anyone without access to facebook a copy of our Easter Sunday service is now available on our website under “Recordings of our Services“ to listen or download. This includes the last 15 minutes of the service that facebook didn’t show.
The website allows you to download the recordings for later playback on your personal devices. Why not listen again in the car, garden, whilst walking or exercising?
For anyone without access to facebook a copy of our Good Friday service (Reflections at the Cross) is now available on our website under “Recordings of our Services“ to listen or download. This includes the last 15 minutes of the service that facebook didn’t show.
The website allows you to download the recordings for later playback on your personal devices. Why not listen again in the car, garden, whilst walking or exercising?
For anyone without access to facebook a copy of our Maundy Thursday service (Reflections in the upper room) is now available on our website under “Recordings of our Services“ to listen or download.
The website allows you to download the recordings for later playback on your personal devices. Why not listen again in the car, garden, whilst walking or exercising?
If you use the church hearing aid loop, or may wish to use it in the near future then please could you let Iain know to aid future planning.
Envelopes for the Easter Offering can be found in the pews. Please return them within the next few weeks if you decide to make a donation.
All donations go towards the World Methodist fund.
Gill has made some wonderful items for Easter and they are in the hall. Please give your money to Gill if you decide to buy anything.
All services will be in person as well as live streamed.
Please join us; everyone is welcome.
Each year we hand out Hot Cross Buns within the village to celebrate Easter.
If you can spare a little time to help with this then please meet in the Church hall on Saturday at 10am.
Sadly, we have had to postpone next weekends “Easter eggstravaganza” due to illness.
For anyone without access to facebook a copy of our Sunday 10th April service is now available on our website under “Recordings of our Services“ to listen or download.
The website allows you to download the recordings for later playback on your personal devices. Why not listen again in the car, garden, whilst walking or exercising?
Now the church is fully open we need volunteers for Door Stewards and Vestry stewards for one Sunday each month. If you are interested then please talk to Julian.
We are looking for volunteers to help clean the church rooms, apart from the church itself.
If you could spare an hour a month then could you please give your name to Jean O.
For anyone without access to facebook a copy of our Sunday 27th March service is now available on our website under “Recordings of our Services“ to listen or download.
The website allows you to download the recordings for later playback on your personal devices. Why not listen again in the car, garden, whilst walking or exercising?
The church heating is broken. We are attempting to restore heating but please plan on wearing warm clothing for Sunday Worship or watch live from home on our facebook or youtube pages.
Church Council meetings are very important as they allow the direction and activities of the church to be set and agreed. If you don’t like something, or want the church to do something new or different, or want to understand why certain things are done then this is the best place to discuss it.
Tonight we have some very important items to discuss and seek approval (or not) and so its really important you attend.
All Church council members should be there but these meetings are open to anyone to attend.
Only Church council members can vote but everyone’s opinions do make a difference.
Please join us in church on Thursday 31st March at 7.30pm
Please return any MHA envelopes by next week.
Many thanks
Ladies group are meeting this week on Thursday at 2pm in the lounge. Everyone is welcome.
Monday at 2pm at Latchford led by Kit
Wednesday at 7.30pm on zoom let by Rev Linda
For anyone without access to facebook a copy of our Sunday 27th March service is now available on our website under “Recordings of our Services“ to listen or download.
The website allows you to download the recordings for later playback on your personal devices. Why not listen again in the car, garden, whilst walking or exercising?
Please return any MHA envelopes by next week.
Many thanks
On Easter Saturday we are holding an Easter Tea Dance for Church Growth Funds
£10 for Adults
£5 for Children
*Please pay upfront so we know numbers for catering.
There will be:
Easter Bonnet Competition
Craft Stall
For anyone without access to facebook a copy of our Sunday 20th March service is now available on our website under “Recordings of our Services“ to listen or download.
The website allows you to download the recordings for later playback on your personal devices. Why not listen again in the car, garden, whilst walking or exercising?
Church Council meetings are very important as they allow the direction and activities of the church to be set and agreed. If you don’t like something, or want the church to do something new or different, or want to understand why certain things are done then this is the best place to discuss it.
Tonight we have some very important items to discuss and seek approval (or not) and so its really important you attend.
These meetings are open to anyone and your opinions do make a difference.
Please join us in church on Thursday 31st March at 7.30pm
If anyone would like to help with the Hot Drinks Ministry at the crem and Hill Cliffe cemetery on Mothering Sunday 27 March.
We are at both places 10am-3pm and helpers usually offer hourly slots though shorter times are also appreciated.
Please contact Kit for further details.
Could anyone please spare 30 minutes on the Saturday before mothers day to help Margret hand out flowers around the village? Please see Margret F for further details or meet in church at 10.30am.
For anyone without access to facebook a copy of our Sunday 13th March service is now available on our website under “Recordings of our Services“ to listen or download.
The website allows you to download the recordings for later playback on your personal devices. Why not listen again in the car, garden, whilst walking or exercising?
Rev Linda will be leading an online Lent study group on zoom beginning Wednesday 9th March at 7.30pm all welcome. Please contact Linda for the zoom codes.
Saturday 5th March table top sale was a great success and raised £372.87
Congratulations and thank you to everyone involved.
For anyone without access to facebook a copy of our Sunday 6th March service is now available on our website under “Recordings of our Services“ to listen or download.
The website allows you to download the recordings for later playback on your personal devices. Why not listen again in the car, garden, whilst walking or exercising?
A Lent group will meet weekly on Mondays at 2 – 3.30pm from Monday 7th March until Monday 11th April (6 weeks).
It will be in the lounge. Everyone is invited to any of the sessions, you don’t have to commit to coming to them all, and if you need to arrive a bit later or leave early that is no problem. More details from Kit Heald.
On Tuesday 1st March bright hour starts again. All Ladies are welcome
Sorry but Friendship Club will not be meeting for awhile. The existing fund of £30 has been donated to MHA.
There will be a table top sale on Saturday 5th March at 10.30 for raising money towards Church funds. Please come along and pick up a bargain.
If you have any items you would like to donate or are able to assist on Saturday then please see Joyce.
On Wednesday 2nd March from 12 until 2.30pm we are hosting a community “Soup & Chat” and we need people to help in the Kitchen or to sit and chat with people.
If you can help then please let Joyce know as soon as possible. Thank you.
Please let people know about this event and invite them to attend this community event.
For anyone without access to facebook a copy of our Sunday 27th Feb service is now available on our website under “Recordings of our Services“ to listen or download.
The website allows you to download the recordings for later playback on your personal devices. Why not listen again in the car, garden, whilst walking or exercising?
There will be a table top sale on Saturday 5th March at 12 for raising money towards Church funds.
On Wednesday 2nd March from 12 until 2.30pm we are hosting a community “Soup & Chat” and we need people to help in the Kitchen or to sit and chat with people.
If you can help then please let Joyce know as soon as possible. Thank you.
Please let people know about this event and invite them to attend this community event.
For anyone without access to facebook a copy of our Sunday 20th Feb service is now available on our website under “Recordings of our Services“ to listen or download.
The website allows you to download the recordings for later playback on your personal devices. Why not listen again in the car, garden, whilst walking or exercising?
Could all church groups please complete the questions asked by the growth team and Linda last year and hand them in as this will help with our planning.
Thank you.
For anyone without access to facebook a copy of our Sunday 13th Feb service is now available on our website under “Recordings of our Services“ to listen or download.
The website allows you to download the recordings for later playback on your personal devices. Why not listen again in the car, garden, whilst walking or exercising?
There is a growth leadership meeting tonight on zoom @ 7.30pm. Please contact Iain for the zoom details.
Anyone is welcome to attend – We need a wide list of opinions and thoughts.
For anyone without access to facebook a copy of our Sunday 6th Feb service is now available on our website under “Recordings of our Services“ to listen or download.
The website allows you to download the recordings for later playback on your personal devices. Why not listen again in the car, garden, whilst walking or exercising?
For anyone without access to facebook a copy of our Sunday 23rd Jan service is now available on our website under “Recordings of our Services“ to listen or download.
The website allows you to download the recordings for later playback on your personal devices. Why not listen again in the car, garden, whilst walking or exercising?
We are hoping to restart Junior Church in March and we are looking for help for the following please:
Please see any of the church stewards if you can offer your assistance or would like further details.
For anyone without access to facebook a copy of our Sunday 16th Jan service is now available on our website under “Recordings of our Services“ to listen or download.
The website allows you to download the recordings for later playback on your personal devices. Why not listen again in the car, garden, whilst walking or exercising?
For anyone without access to facebook a copy of our Sunday 9th Jan service is now available on our website under “Recordings of our Services“ to listen or download.
The website allows you to download the recordings for later playback on your personal devices. Why not listen again in the car, garden, whilst walking or exercising?
The Bible study group will re-start on Monday 10th January and will meet fortnightly until 21st February continuing with studying the book of Acts.
We meet in the lounge at church at 2pm and finish about 3.15pm. Everyone is very welcome whether you have been before or not, whether you are a regular Bible reader or not.
It is very informal as we are a supportive, encouraging group. If you want more information speak to Kit at church
Happy New Year.
For anyone without access to facebook a copy of our first service of 2022, Sunday January 2nd, is now available on our website under “Recordings of our Services“ to listen or download.
The website allows you to download the recordings for later playback on your personal devices. Why not listen again in the car, garden, whilst walking or exercising?
For anyone without access to facebook a copy of our Sunday December 19th online service is now available on our website under “Recordings of our Services“ to listen or download.
The website allows you to download the recordings for later playback on your personal devices. Why not listen again in the car, garden, whilst walking or exercising?
If anyone is interested in helping to distribute Mince Pies around Latchford and then have a short Carol Singing in the Village then please meet up at Church at 10am on Saturday 18th. (Next Saturday)
For anyone without access to facebook a copy of our Sunday December 12th online service is now available on our website under “Recordings of our Services“ to listen or download.
The website allows you to download the recordings for later playback on your personal devices. Why not listen again in the car, garden, whilst walking or exercising?
New Song Kids goes Messy will have a Muddy Walk on Sunday 2 January 2pm at Grappenhall Woods. All children and families invited. Donations for Papyrus charity. (Speak to Kit for further details).
Would you like to help at the Hot Drinks Ministry serving refreshments at Walton Lea Crematorium and Fox Covert cemetery on Christmas Eve (10am-3pm) and Christmas Day (10am-2pm)?
Even an offer of half an hour would be appreciated. Please contact Alice (contact details available upon request). Giving day and time you can help and if you have a preference of the place.
NS Christmas “Longest Night” reflective service Monday 20 December 7pm at Bold Street Methodist Church
You will be able to donate food for the Food Bank and suitable clothes, shoes, toiletries, etc for Room at the Inn
NS Christmas Café Sunday 12 December 6.30pm which is earlier time than usual so better for children at Bold Street Methodist Church.
You will be able to donate food for the Food Bank and suitable clothes, shoes, toiletries, etc for Room at the Inn
It’s time to start thinking about Christmas. The Christmas post box is now available in church with the cards ready for distribution on 13th December. Please make sure the full names are on the envelopes and for Church family only. In alphabetical order in an elastic band would be helpful. Thank you.
Sunday 5th December will be our Christmas Tree service for MCH. Please consider bringing an unwrapped toy for donation to MCH Toy’s for Children appeal.
The next Church Growth Leadership meeting is tomorrow, Monday 29th at 7.30pm on zoom.
Anyone is welcome to attend – Please contact Iain for the codes.
All are welcome.
For anyone without access to facebook a copy of our Sunday November 28th online service is now available on our website under “Recordings of our Services“ to listen or download.
The website allows you to download the recordings for later playback on your personal devices. Why not listen again in the car, garden, whilst walking or exercising?
The friendly club will be meeting on the 24th November for the last time this year. The club will return in the New Year.
For anyone without access to facebook a copy of our Sunday November 7th online service is now available on our website under “Recordings of our Services“ to listen or download.
The website allows you to download the recordings for later playback on your personal devices. Why not listen again in the car, garden, whilst walking or exercising?
For anyone without access to facebook a copy of our Sunday October 24th online service is now available on our website under “Recordings of our Services“ to listen or download.
The website allows you to download the recordings for later playback on your personal devices. Why not listen again in the car, garden, whilst walking or exercising?
As previously announced at the Synod the Liverpool District is running a series of sessions looking at topics raised by various reports to the conference this year.
As you will see the first one is next Wednesday – we thought these details had been issued last week – but appears that they didn’t go out as anticipated – please give wide circulation (e.g. in church notices etc.).
These are open to all and each one starts at 7:30pm, each one is a stand alone session so whilst you are encouraged to attend as many as you wish there is no presumption that anyone will attend all of them!
Wed 20th October – Enabling Inclusion: Theology of Disability led by Rev’d Dr Christine Jones
Meeting ID: 933 4706 8789
Passcode: 721387
Mon 15th November – The theology of safeguarding with Rev’d Dr Nicola Price Tebbutt (Secretary of Faith and Order Committee) and Mr Tim Carter (Connexional Safeguarding Officer)
Meeting ID: 954 4629 3775
Passcode: 738583
Wed 19th January – Transforming Lives: Education Strategy with Revd Dr Roger Walton (Chair of Methodist Schools Committee)
Meeting ID: 957 4103 8166
Passcode: 766438
Tuesday 15th February – Ministry in the Methodist Church and Changing Patterns of Ministry with Craig Price and others (Faith and Order
Meeting ID: 978 9732 0499
Passcode: 169248
Thursday 24th March – Oversight and Trusteeship with Rev’d Dr Nicola Price Tebbutt (Secretary of Faith and Order Committee) and Rev’d Dr James Tebbutt (Chair – Cumbria District)
Meeting ID: 966 0814 8173
Passcode: 658105
Our service on Sunday 31st October will be led by our Worship leaders and will be on a Harvest Theme.
We ask if you bring or give gifts or monetary donations to the food bank who are in desperate need of produce.
There is a change of date for this month’s New Song Cafe due to the lack of a band! It will be on Sunday 31st October (not 24th) at the usual time of 7pm.
For anyone without access to facebook a copy of our Sunday October 17th online service is now available on our website under “Recordings of our Services“ to listen or download.
The website allows you to download the recordings for later playback on your personal devices. Why not listen again in the car, garden, whilst walking or exercising?
For anyone without access to facebook a copy of our Sunday October 10th online service is now available on our website under “Recordings of our Services“ to listen or download.
The website allows you to download the recordings for later playback on your personal devices. Why not listen again in the car, garden, whilst walking or exercising?
Our church is exactly 127 years old today, Sunday 10th October. Happy Birthday Latchford Methodist Church.
Methodists were recorded in Latchford around two hundred years ago. Their first meetings were held in a room over a Wheelwright’s shop but because of growing numbers, worshippers moved, first of all to an old barn ( which had been used as a Sunday school since 1872 ) and then in 1879 to a Temperance Hall. Finally, after much fund raising and hard work our present Church was built and was opened on 10th October 1894 by the President of the Conference, the Rev. Walford Green.
The Sunday school continued to meet in the Temperance hall until 1907 when the Church hall was built, a primary wing was added in 1914 and the Church was enlarged in 1932 by the addition of a beautiful Chancel.
Over the years all the uniformed organisations have been part of our Church family, we also had a large church choir which won many trophies. Bible classes, guilds, missionary groups and a ladies’ bright hours have existed over the years as has a very large youth club in the 1960’s.
The study group meets again on Monday 4th October in the church lounge at 2pm. All are welcome. We are looking at the Book of Acts – studying God’s power in action.
If you are coming it will be useful to have read Acts chapter 5 v 15 – 42 beforehand. More details from Kit Heald
Bright Hour / Singing for fun will start meeting again from this Tuesday 5th at 2.30pm and then every Tuesday thereafter. All are welcome.
Ladies group will start meeting again from this Thursday 7th at 2pm and then every Thursday thereafter. All are welcome.
This group will be renamed in the near future to open the group up as everyone will be welcome to attend.
For anyone without access to facebook a copy of our Sunday October 3rd online service is now available on our website under “Recordings of our Services“ to listen or download.
The website allows you to download the recordings for later playback on your personal devices. Why not listen again in the car, garden, whilst walking or exercising?
Ladies group will be holding a short meeting on Monday 20th at 7.30 in the church to discuss next steps for the group. All are welcome.
Bright hour will be meeting at 2.30pm on Tuesday afternoon (21st September) in the church. Everyone is welcome.
The next house group (bible study) will be meeting tomorrow in the Church Lounge between 2pm and 3.30pm
All are welcome and we look forward to seeing you there.
For anyone without access to facebook a copy of our Sunday September 19th Sunday online service is now available on our website under “Recordings of our Services“ to listen or download.
The website allows you to download the recordings for later playback on your personal devices. Why not listen again in the car, garden, whilst walking or exercising?
The ‘house group’ is re-starting and will meet from Monday 6th September.
Meetings will be be fortnightly at between 2pm and 3.30pm on the following dates:
6 & 20 September
4 & 18 October
1 & 15 November
All are welcome to come along. We are currently seeing “God’s Power in Action” in the book of Acts.
Venues may change so please contact [email protected] before each session.
Nancy Healy from Bold Street sadly past away recently. Her funeral is at Bold Street on Wednesday 15th at 10:30am.
Last week’s Bright hour meeting was postponed until this Tuesday 14th September.
It is hoped that as many people as possible can attend to discuss their future direction.
Barbara M. son Jeremy is running in this year’s London Marathon for the Royal British Legion. If anyone would like to sponsor Jeremy then please see Barbara M.
For anyone without access to facebook a copy of our Sunday September 12th Sunday online service is now available on our website under “Recordings of our Services“ to listen or download.
The website allows you to download the recordings for later playback on your personal devices. Why not listen again in the car, garden, whilst walking or exercising?
For anyone without access to facebook a copy of our Sunday September 5th Sunday online service is now available on our website under “Recordings of our Services“ to listen or download.
Facebook appears to have blocked or muted part of all of this service on our facebook page but you can still watch a recording of today’s unedited service on our website.
The website allows you to download the recordings for later playback on your personal devices. Why not listen again in the car, garden, whilst walking or exercising?
The ‘house group’ is re-starting and will meet from Monday 6th September.
Meetings will be be fortnightly at between 2pm and 3.30pm on the following dates:
6 & 20 September
4 & 18 October
1 & 15 November
All are welcome to come along. We are currently seeing “God’s Power in Action” in the book of Acts.
Venues may change so please contact [email protected] before each session.
A copy of the Sankey Valley Methodist Circuit Circuit preaching plan for September, October and November of 2021 can be viewed on our website under “our Church” -> “Church Schedules”.
For anyone without access to facebook a copy of our Sunday August 29th Sunday online service is now available on our website under “Recordings of our Services“ to listen or download.
The website allows you to download the recordings for later playback on your personal devices. Why not listen again in the car, garden, whilst walking or exercising?
For anyone without access to facebook a copy of our Sunday August 22nd Sunday online service is now available on our website under “Recordings of our Services“ to listen or download.
The website allows you to download the recordings for later playback on your personal devices. Why not listen again in the car, garden, whilst walking or exercising?
For anyone without access to facebook a copy of our Sunday August 15th Sunday online service is now available on our website under “Recordings of our Services“ to listen or download.
The website allows you to download the recordings for later playback on your personal devices. Why not listen again in the car, garden, whilst walking or exercising?
For anyone without access to facebook a copy of our Sunday August 8tht Sunday online service is now available on our website under “Recordings of our Services“ to listen or download.
The website allows you to download the recordings for later playback on your personal devices. Why not listen again in the car, garden, whilst walking or exercising?
For anyone without access to facebook a copy of our Sunday August 1st Sunday online service is now available on our website under “Recordings of our Services“ to listen or download.
The website allows you to download the recordings for later playback on your personal devices. Why not listen again in the car, garden, whilst walking or exercising?
For anyone without access to facebook a copy of our Sunday July 25th Sunday online service is now available on our website under “Recordings of our Services“ to listen or download.
The website allows you to download the recordings for later playback on your personal devices. Why not listen again in the car, garden, whilst walking or exercising?
Rev David Easton will be running a ‘Disciple Course’ if anyone wishes to participate. This will be an on-line course using zoom with occasional face to face meetings.
The ‘Disciple Course’ aims to cover 75% or so of the bible over 34 weeks and is an intensive bible study.
Wednesday 25th August – Unit 1
Wednesday 1 September – Unit 2
7.30pm to 9.30pm.
If you are interested please let Emma know ASAP so I can let you have the zoom details or contact any church steward for Emma’s details.
I am sorry but a technical issue prevented our livestream to Latchford facebook and youtube pages as well as our planned stream to Warrington Methodist facebook.
Rev Linda did make a recording using her phone and this has been uploaded to our website as well as available on the Warrington Methodist facebook group.
For anyone without access to facebook a copy of our Sunday July 11th Sunday online service is now available on our website under “Recordings of our Services“ to listen or download.
The website allows you to download the recordings for later playback on your personal devices. Why not listen again in the car, garden, whilst walking or exercising?
Today’s service, July 4th, is being blocked by both youtube and facebook due as they suspect we used copyrighted material.
Whilst we appeal this decision you can always view our service in full from our website using the menu “Recordings of our Services.”